Sunday, December 9, 2007


Duty is ours, results are God's - John Quincy Adams

First of all, let us say we are sorry for the delayed notice.

From what we said last post, we should already have announced the results of the three F's approach. However, time has running low these days.

Anyhow, we have been trying out the three F's approach and we can say that it works!

Without spending our initial dollar investment, we have been able to gather $16. How did we do it?

Simple, we followed two simple steps:

1) We registered a PayPal account to support on-line donations.

2) We told our friends and family about our project and asked them $1. We said that we had some ideas to become millionaires but we would need some initial funds.

We would like to thank everyone who support us, special those who contributed with PayPal donations.

Our initial aim was to reach $30, but $16 in three weeks is ok for starting. The main reason for failling our initial goal is because we haven't yet made a mass campaign to advertise our project. We only have told close friends and even then we have been trying different approaches to do it, so some have failed. Anyway we are optimistics about the result and we will massify the campaign.

And so, that was the first step in the path to transform $1 in $1000000. We have already took it, what are you waiting for?

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